Sunday, November 21, 2004
It is so strange how you can be totally over something. Totally living simply in the present (which is a goal of mine).. and something someone in the present will say or do wil bring back a flood of memories of an abusive past.I hate the past. I strive to move out of the past.
It does happen less frequently as healing is obtained but will it ever totally stop?
No longer living in abuse, Praise God, I now know there are places of peace.
There were times I didn't know this. I was caught in some sort of time warp where misery abounds.
The Lord freed me from that place so why does the devil keep trying to drag me back in?
I know this evil will not prevail. The gates of hell will not prevail.
I thank God for this moment and this moment at this time is all there is.
The future is out there...but it is future and the past is dead. I will no longer visit the empty grave.