Friday, November 12, 2004
Overweight America is Hooked on Sugar by Eric Margolis
NEW YORK -- Refined sugar is the world's most popular and widely used drug. (Webster's Dictionary defines a drug as a "chemical substance used to alter the state of body or mind.")
Overweight America is Hooked on Sugar -
by Eric Margolis
Americans are overweight. The average person in the USA is on the heavy side. Who would ever think of sugar as a drug?
I stay pretty active through the summer but the winter months I need help.
I have taken to journaling for my winter weight relief.When I feel a few pounds starting to accumulate I journal for a couple of weeks to get it back down.
Journaling consists of writing down everything you place in your mouth. You keep consistent records of all the food you eat and the calories you take in. You try and keep your calorie intake within a limit. I put my journaling limit at 1200 calories a day.
I will journal one week and eat normal three weeks, or journal two weeks and eat normal one, according to the way my body feels, ECT.
If this doesn't work you can always get out the old weight watcher cards.
To find out which weight watcher card you most resemble follow the link below.

You are Fluffy Mackerel Pudding!! You somehow
manage to combine seafood and dessert into your
wonderfully fluffy world. We should all be as
tolerant of New Taste Sensations. And of
big-yolked eggs.
What Weight Watchers recipe card from 1974 are you?
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