Living Water

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

What prevents Wise Thinking? by-MARK WILLIAM NORTH

Thought Viruses.

A Though Virus is a "thought criteria structure" that is contagious and produces inaccurate conclusions.

I have found these thought viruses among humans and suggest that they are major contributors to the collective ignorance of humans. They introduce errors in thinking that prevent solutions being looked for, found, and applied.

Lemming Virus - Effects deciding behaviors based on what everyone else does, says.

Ancestral Virus - Effects deciding behaviors based on how it is always done.

Mercury Virus - Effects judgments of credibility based on the credentials of the messenger instead of the accuracy of the message.

Professor Virus - Effects judgments of practical application ability based on academic grades within the same topic.

Jury Virus - Effects how problems are evaluated by claiming that all problems are caused on purpose and by an individual or group that wants to cause the problem for some kind of profit.

Me Virus - Effects what a person does thinks and feels based on what they have always done thought or felt. This one is a personal extension of the ancestral virus.

Me Part Virus - When a person claims that they have a bad (this or that body part) and uses that proclamation to maintain not healing themselves and not doing activities that involve using that part. Excuses may include that they were told by a “doctor” that they would never do certain things again, Sometimes after money making butchery.

Holy Virus - A very cancerous and primitive virus that effects judgment based on savage mythology that life is only a choice between heaven and hell for eternity and has no other purpose at all.

There are many more that interfere with wisdom. If you think of any more please tell me about them so that I can include them to develop thought vaccines that will be effective.

Now that is a refreshing way of looking at things.
The Holy Virus really gets me.
Life purpose-a choice between heaven or hell. I do believe the purpose of life is for learning so I suppose I haven't been infected. I hope this virus is not computer contagious.

8:15 AM :: ::
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