Living Water

Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Hubby put out some lettuce, onions and cabbage over the weekend.

He usually plants and maintains while I harvest, cook and can.

I plant and maintain some things and love doing them, but the major gardener in our household is hubby.

He never cooks or cans so I guess it evens out in the long haul.

There is no greater joy than doing what God created you to do, and woman was created for man's helpmate.

Genesis 2:18  And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

I was reading a blog and had to laugh at her description of the Proverbs 31 woman. She based it on her day and it included.

Washing vomit from her kid's sheets
Cleaning out bird cages and fish bowls
Getting to work at 9 am and picking up Hardees at 5 pm for supper
Unwraping wholesome roast beef sandwiches and fries to place them on plates
Crashing to watch TV and going to bed to get the rest to do it again tomorrow

I laughed when I read it but then felt sad afterward. How true for some lives to be ragged out to the point of frustration. I have been there before.

Praise God that He has now allowed me to see the beauty of retirement.

Thank you Lord!
2:41 AM :: ::
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