At the time of this occurrence I had a feeling of discomfort but couldn't place my finger on what was wrong. I have now concluded the reason for the feelings.
Many Christian families home school. They do not agree with the public teachings and therefore pull their kids from the system. I wonder do they know what their churches could be teaching their children? Have they visited their Sunday Schools? Have they sat in on their Children Churches?
I have no kids at home so this question is not for me. A couple of years back I did have the opportunity to sit in on a Childrens Church. I was working their web page at the time and was sitting in to take pictures for their page.
The service was cute and the worship was outstanding. I laughed and got many cute shots of the children raising their hands in worship and going through motions with little songs and what not.
The uneasy feeling I got was during the offering and this is what bothered me.
The children were asked to line up in boys verses girls. It was a competition to see which "group" would bring in the largest offering. The winning group were able to pick from a small array of Cracker Jack type toys.
It bothered me somewhat but I couldn't finger the problem at the time. I now understand that the incident was a subtle teaching of division as opposed to unity. This teaching, in my opinion, is one of the worse type of division as it was gender related. In a spiritual light the entire church is female with Christ as male and head.
If I had fingered the problem at the time I probably would have said something in my outspoken ways. I guess the Lord wanted me to keep my mouth shut or I am sure I would have picked up on it a little better. He certainly needs no help keeping His church in line. I no longer attend that church so I don't know if they still engage in teaching gender division and competition.
The point of this post however is to ask do you really know what your church is teaching your child? Maybe it would be a good idea to sit in on your Sunday School.
It may seem a little thing and I know the Lord uses all things toward good, so perhaps that good is His giving me the opportunity to see and reflect.
Division is opposite the unity found in Christ. While He does bring about division, that division is between His church and the world...not between genders within.